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Stella Bulna’s Obituary

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Stella Bulna
CLIFTON – Stella Rose Sokolowski Bulna, 101, of this city, died on Thursday, April 7, 2016.
Born in Passaic, she lived in Garfield and Blairstown before moving to Clifton in 1999. She was a machine operator with Datascope Co., Paramus, before retiring. Previously, she worked for Westin Biscuit of Clifton. She was a parishioner of St. Philip the Apostle R.C. Church, Clifton, where she was a member of the Rosary Society, Prime Timers, Msgr. Anthony Stein Assembly 0645, and St. Philip’s Cornerstone Retreat. And, she was a member of the Clifton Republican Club.
She is survived by her nephews, […]PRIV.
She was predeceased by her sister, Bertha Doviak.
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Identyfikator rekordu: MR16075
Ostatnie zmiany: 10.06.2023
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