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Frances (Doviak) Ressetar’s Obituary

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RESSETAR Frances (Doviak), 83 of Clifton on October 19, 2008. Born in Wallington, she lived in Passaic before moving to Clifton in 1954. A parishioner of St. John Kanty Roman Catholic Church, Clifton, Fran was a member of the Leisure Club, and the Golden Circle. Mrs. Ressetar, a Service Representative NJ Bell Telephone of Clifton for 33 years before retiring in 1977, was a Life Member of Telephone Pioneers of America, and a Life Member of the Communication Workers of America. Beloved wife of Metro. […]PRIV. Dear sister of the late John, Joseph, Fred, and Stanley Doviak, Jennie Drzal, Emily Stefanco, and Sophie Caltagirone. Funeral Wednesday 9 AM at the Shook Funeral Home, 639 Van Houten Ave., Clifton, and 10 AM at St. John Kanty RC Church, Clifton. Entombment St. Nicholas Cemetery, Lodi. Visiting Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 PM. In lieu of flowers donations made to either the St. John Kanty Parish Center, 37 Speer Ave., Clifton, NJ 07013 or Care Alternatives Hospice 70 Jackson Dr., Cranford, NJ 07016 would be greatly appreciated.
dane bibliograficzne The Record and Herald News on 10/20/2008
miejsce w repozytoriumMR04151 #046


Identyfikator rekordu: MR04372
Ostatnie zmiany: 05.11.2023
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