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Lester Stagg’s Obituary

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CARLSTADTLester P. Stagg, 71, of Carlstadt, died on Oct. 22, 2006.
Born in Passaic, he was a resident of Carlstadt for 45 years.
Mr. Stagg was a custodian for Wood-Ridge High School for 11 years before retiring in 1997. Prior to that, he was an adjustor for Continental Can Company in Paterson for 25 years.
He was a parishioner of Assumption Church in Wood-Ridge.
He was an usher and member of the Holy Name Society of Assumption Church.
Mr. Stagg served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. He was a member of VFW Post 3149 of Carlstadt. He was also a founder and past president of the Carlstadt Girls Softball League.
He is survived by […]PRIV.
Funeral Mass was held in Assumption Church, Wood-Ridge. Entombment in St. Nicholas Cemetery, Lodi. Arrangements made by Kimak Funeral Home, Carlstadt.
Memorial donations may be made to ARC of Warren County, intended for Project First Step, PO Box 389, 319 Washington Ave., Suite 2, Washington, NJ 07882.
dane bibliograficzne The Leader, Obituaries for 10/26/06


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