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stworzenie obiektu | 23.04.1910 (Rockvale) |
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treść |
Thirteenth Census of the United States: 1910 - population • State: Colorado • County: Fremont • Township or other division of county: Precinct 25 Rockvale • 23rd of April, 1910 • Supervisor’s District No 3 • Enumeration District No 79 • Sheet 7 (……?) • line 51, dwelling 143
Plaza Mike, head, male, 37 (27?) years old, married, 10 members of family, place of birth: "Austr. Polish", father’s place of birth Austria-Polish, mother’s place of birth: Austria-Polish, immigrated in 1900, alien (has NOT been naturalised), speaks English, coal miner, no school Plaza Henrietta, wife, female, 28 years old, 10 members of family, 5 younger children(?), place of birth Austria-Polish, father’s place of birth Austria-Polish, mother’s place of birth: Austria-Polish, immigrated in 1900, speaks English, is able to read and write Plaza Francis, daughter, female, 8 years old, born in Pensylvania, father born in Austria-Polish, mother born in Austria-Polish, (able to do sth specified in column 25) Plaza John, son, male, 6 years old, born in Colorado, father born in Austria-Polish, mother born in Austria-Polish Plaza Tony, son, male, 4 years old, born in Colorado, father born in Austria-Polish, mother born in Austria-Polish Plaza Peter, son, male, 2 years old, born in Colorado, father born in Austria-Polish, mother born in Austria-Polish Anni(?), daughter, female, 1 month old ("1/12"), born in Colorado, father born in Austria-Polish, mother born in Austria-Polish Kopacz Joseph, brother in law, age 27 (or 22?), born in Austria-Polish, father born in Austria-Polish, mother born in Austria-Polish, immigrated in 1907, alien, speaks Polish, coal miner, able to read and write line 59, dwelling 144 Plaza John, head, m., 30y, AUST-POL, immigrated 1910 (191……?), speaks English, coal miner, able to read adn write Plaza Annie, wife, f., 28y, AUST-POL, imm. 1902, speaks Polish, can't read Plaza Mary, daughter, f., 6y, born Pensylvania Plaza Mike, son, m., 4y, born Colorado Plaza Frank, son, m., 2y, born in Colorado Kopacz John, brother in law, m., 40y, AUST-POL, imm. 1907, alien, speaks Polish, coal miner, able to read and write |