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odpis PolishRoots® Surnames: Origins and Meanings (etymologia nazwiska Ludzia)

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źródłoPolishRoots® Surnames: Origins and Meanings
treść odpisu
Ludzia is rather rare, as of 1990 there were 44 Poles by that name, living in the provinces of Nowy Sacz (37), Olsztyn (3), and Walbrzych (4). Unfortunately, I don't have access to further details such as first names and addresses, so what I've given here is all I have. This name could come from the root lud, "people, folk," or it could have started as a short form or nickname of names such as Ludwik (Louis), or of ancient pagan Polish names with that root _lud) as their first element, e. g., Ludomir ("peace" + "people"), etc. To be honest, I think a connection with either Ludwik or one of those Ludo- names is the likely one.
czego dotyczy
Identyfikator rekordu: Ludzia-PRSOM
Ostatnie zmiany: 28.12.2006
Polityka prywatności:
  • rekordy — publiczne dla wszystkich
  • właściwości — publiczne dla wszystkich
  • wyszukiwarki internetowe — nie
Zaproponuj zmiany
Stworzono w aplikacji JSFamilia